to count all the blogs i created, i guess this will be my 8th blog.. i always wanted to have a personal blog that talks about my life alone but it seems i always end up with accounts used for advertising with no connection to myself at all, some kind of a monetized blog as what they call it.. anyway, really hoping to stick with my purpose in creating this one, i want this to be my personal journal and somehow an outlet in releasing everything that’s inside me — my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions, simply MY LIFE!

actually i want to keep this as private as possible though i know this is an online thingy — BLOG, right?! what am i talking about, kindly knock my head guys, how can this be private if i’m doing this in the web?! hello?! but i hope, atleast, nobody who knows me can trace this one.. lol!! although i want to gain some friends through this blog. ’til then, i’m a bit sleepy now, gotta sleep first before getting so much into this thing!

always be happy! keep smiling even if you don’t feel like smiling! sweet dreams to me and to all of you! God Bless us all!